Steelseries apex mini
Steelseries apex mini

“But what truly sets the Apex 9 Mini apart from other current competitors in the gaming keyboard space is its usage of “OptiPoint” linear switches in place of more traditional mechanical switches.”ĭouble shot PBT keycaps promise not to fade and deliver vibrant legibility. This turned out to be a good thing though, as I had several positive things to say about HyperX’s product a year ago, and practically all those features have found their way into SteelSeries’ Apex 9 Mini in the here and now, along with a unique refinement or two. That being said, with the SteelSeries Apex 9 Mini keyboard and HyperX Alloy Origins 60 sharing comparable dimensions and weight, not to mention similar chassis reinforced by aircraft grade aluminum alloy construction, I couldn’t shake the feeling of deja-vu when holding the Apex 9 Mini in my hands for the first time.

Steelseries apex mini